DIY Inspiration: Colorful Upcycled Home Decor

Let's talk about the elephant in the room... that greying sofa you have sitting in your monochrome living room. There's nothing that bothers me more than a room without color. You can do it in a second by hanging a thrifted vintage silk scarf on the wall, or adding some upcycled pillow covers to your throws. The smallest touch of color can give a room a whole lot wow factor. If you're looking around your room seeing nothing but drab upcycled decor may be your happy escape! 

There is no other king of color-pop than the incredible Cintia over at My Poppet. Here are some of our favorite up cycled home good projects from their site!

1. We can't tell whether to sit on or just awe at this geometric cross stitched salvaged chair. Upcycling has a way of just turning things around and bringing some light (and color) into your life!

2. No easier way to add color than a warm handmade quilt! Upcycle some great thrift finds or put together a more sentimental blanket that will take you down memory lane. Cintia does a great job at walking us through this one!

3. This mid century inspired chair was headed for the landfill until it was given a whole new life - and may we say, a much more stylish one! 
4. Just a little patience and a whole lot of salvaged upcycled fabric will get you this guilt-free and amazingly colorful-boho-ray-of-sunshine rug into your home. We are just in love!